Infertility Stories - The Griffin Family

I was lucky enough to photograph Caitlin, Andrew, Sofia and Avery at Hollybank Forest. It was a place I’ve been wanting to photograph a family for awhile and when Caitlin came to me and suggested it for their family portraits I was so excited to head out there.

I’ve known the Griffins for a few years now, we met through mutual friends, and my Dad actually photographed Caitlin and Andrew before they were married. So I had known of their fertility struggles, but it wasn’t until I photographed their family that I learnt the full extent of what they went through.


Is your Family Complete?

I’m super blessed to have 2 beautiful healthy daughters, Sofia who is almost 4 and Avery is 17 months old. 

Avery was the completing piece of our family! 


How did your journey begin?

Almost 5 months into our marriage we experienced our first miscarriage - we hoped and prayed it would be the only one we would experience but unfortunately it wasn't. 

2 months later we fell pregnant again instead of excitement it was a time of fear and worry as the day we found out I had been experiencing excruciating pain for 3 days. The diagnosis was bleak, an ectopic pregnancy was not the news we wanted and I spent 2 long weeks in hospital awaiting surgery but on the day of surgery we recieved a miracle and our precious baby was right where she should be. What followed this miracle was 9 long months of Hyperemesis Gravidarum, countless hospital trips (in the end every second day I was in receiving  intravenous fluids and medication) 7 hours of induced labour and our first child Sofia Mae was here! 

We started trying for a second child 6 weeks after Sofia was born. 

6 months passed nothing. 

12 months passed nothing. 

13 months passed a miscarriage. 

14 months passed another miscarriage. 

16 months passed when I found out I was  3 weeks pregnant. I was terrified, I desperately didn't want to go through another loss but this much wanted baby was not to be and at 10 weeks I started bleeding, 3 days later a surgery was needed. 

It was devestating. 

We started fertility drugs a month later  when that failed after a few rounds we decided to have a break.

A month later and shortly before Sofia's second birthday we found out I was pregnant again and instead of fear or dread all I felt was sick, fast forward another horrendous 9 months of Hyperemesis Gravidarum and a 55 minute labour our sweet baby Avery was born. Perfect. Healthy. HERE.


What is happening in your life right now?

Sofia is about to turn 4, she goes to early learning and is as sharp as a tack.

 Avery will be 2 at the end of the year, she has inherited her mother's attitude and definitely my craziness. 

Last year I experienced a massive health scare and I seriously mean MASSIVE. 


I am currently studying and Andrew is smashing goals at his workplace. 

What is in the future for your family?

Hopefully some pretty amazing doors to be opened!  (top secret) 


For the month of May I’ll be photographing families who have in the past, or are currently going through fertility treatments. click on the link below to learn more about the project and to have your family be a part of it


An Open Letter to all the Mamas


Infertility Stories - Tegan & Daniel