JJ, Charlie, Pheobe & Hugo at Royal Park

It was such a beautiful sunny day when I met JJ, Charlie, Phoebe and Hugo at Royal Park for their family portraits. They had volunteered to be a part of my family photoshoot location guide and were happy to be photographed at any of the spots I had left to fill!

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Normally, when I get home from a shoot, I’ll download my images and start writing the draft of a blog post while the images are downloading. It’s nice to do it while the shoot is fresh in my mind! and then once the client’s been and picked up their images I’ll come back to the blog post and add the finished images and do a bit of a proof read to make sure I was speaking English when I wrote the first draft.

Well I logged in to finish up this particular blog post and I want to share with you the complete unedited post I wrote after coming back from JJ and Charlie’s shoot.

Pheobe ran so far.

That’s it!! That’s apparently all I had in me to write that day 😂.

And lets be honest, Phoebe spent most of her time running away from me, but we also spent time looking for crabs and mermaids in the water and checking out the boats and getting dizzy tizzy’s from Dad, AND she found a pretty great stick (which JJ assured me didn’t make it back in the car with them).

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I think a lot of the time families put off having family portraits taken because they’re worried their kids won’t behave, that they won’t listen or do what they’re told. But it’s not a reason to avoid it! I am a master at suggesting activities that will put kids in the positions I need for great shots, as well as making them think it was their idea. Plus, my legs are longer than theirs, I can keep up with the running!

I photographed these guys about 6 months ago when Hugo was born, and before that, my Dad had photographed them when Phoebe was born. I love that awe have clients who come back to us over and over again and I love even more that clients who have had Dad photograph them in the past will trust me to photograph their family. I may not have had the 31 years experience that he has had, but I’ve had a pretty great teacher for the 6 years I have been a photographer.


5 reasons you should have family portraits taken every year


When did you last have Professional Family portraits taken?