Old Dogs Family Portrait Session at Summerhill Dog Park, Launceston, Tasmania

I feel like this family portrait session is such a long time coming.

Back in December 2019 I spoke to Vanessa about photographing their family with their old dog Bronte, (short for Brontosaurus) before he got TOO old.

I photographed them just before my wedding and then life got in the way for both of us, and then COVID happened and before we knew it, it was October before they even viewed their images.

I don’t like to leave it that long, normally you’ll be viewing your images within the week, but life happens and I think it’s a relief to know that I will NEVER delete any images taken during your session. I don’t even delete the ones where you’re blinking, or that are out of focus, or even the ones where I’ve accidentally photographed my own foot!

So when Vanessa emailed me in October to see if I still had the images from their session, it was an easy yes!

They couldn’t believe how much had changed within the few months - Bronte looked noticeably older now, both the kids had gotten their braces taken off, and it felt like a distant memory before COVID forced us to change the way we do everything.


Things your Family Portrait Photographer wishes you knew (but will never tell you)


Halloween Photo shoot with Jess and Dexter