The Street Family - Extended Famil Portraits at Launceston’s City Park

I spoke with Jeanette after a friend of hers had recommended she speak with me about having family portraits taken! My Dad had photographed her and her kids when they were younger (back in 2002!!!) and they now had children of their own and it was time for some updated family portraits

We met at the City Park for the portraits, which is one of my favourite locations! The band rotunda provides shelter from the rain if it’s drizzling, and shade if it’s a super hot sunny day.

Jeanette also included her Dad into the family portraits and it was really nice to see 4 generations of family together! Something I’m sure the little ones will cherish one day when they’re older!

Extended families are some of my favourite to photograph. Often it is hard work getting everyone in the same place at the same time, but my gosh it really is worth it when it all comes together.

I like to photograph all the kids individually first and then start building smaller groups of siblings, then including the parents and slowly building the combinations that way. I always aim to photograph every possible combination of family groupings, especially when it’s a larger group as it’s not often this will happen again.


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