3 Questions you SHOULD ask your photographer

I insist on a pre-shoot consultation appointment for all my new clients. I promise it’s not as scary as it sounds, just rock up to the studio in West Launceston and we’ll have a chat! I’ll show you a collection of my photography so you can get a sense of my style I’ll explain the process on what happens on the day of your photoshoot (and what happens afterwards too!) and go over a full pricing guide, show you the amazing wall art, albums and portfolio boxes and discuss what it is you might like to end up with in your home. It also gives you the chance to ask any questions you might have. But sometimes it’s hard to know WHAT questions to ask.

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So here are my top 3 questions that I WISH everyone who comes in for a consult would ask. Every photographer has different policies in regards to each of these questions and there is no "industry standard" so just because one photographer does it a certain way, doesn't mean everyone does it this way.

  1. How long do you store your files for? Are they secure? Will I be able to reorder in the future?

  2. What is your digital files policy?

  3. Do the printed images have a warranty?

My answers? Read on below!

How long do you store your files for? Are they secure? Will I be able to reorder in the future?

I keep my files FOREVER. Every single file. Even the ones of you blinking which you didn't get to see in the viewing session. I never delete anything. So in 6 months time if you want to order that extra print for Nan's birthday (which you didn't necessarily FORGET, but just didn't think of at the time) you can. Hell, you can order images 10 years in the future. (I've even got a system so I'll be able to FIND them 10 years in the future, which I think is the impressive bit!) 
Once you've received your prints and your job is all done and dusted your images are backed up on secure drives and stored in 2 different locations, one which is offsite. so even if the studio burns down I'll still have your images!


What is your digital files policy?

You will receive a digital file of any prints you purchase for no extra charge, but digital files are not available for purchase as a standalone product.

My reasoning for not offering digital files is pretty simple... I'm a little bit of a control freak. 

I put so much time and effort into working your images and not printing them is like giving up on a race 10m before the finish line. Plus, I don't want you printing my images at Officeworks, or Kmart because they do a terrible job.
It's REALLY important to me that you have something tangible to touch to take away with you, to hang on your walls and for your children and grandchildren to admire for years to come.
You’ll still receive a digital copy, because I understand that Facebook and Instagram and being able to send photos to your family members overseas is still important, but I want the primary focus to be on the physical prints.

As a side note I don't do USB's anymore as most computers don't seem to have USB ports anymore! I now have your own personal gallery app, which is pretty great!


Do the printed images have a warranty?

Lifetime warranty baby!!! 

and you know what's even better? No questions asked, replace for no charge no matter the reason warranty.

I don't care if your house burnt down, if your toddler decided to become Picasso on your album, if a ghost knocked a frame off the wall, whatever the reason if you're printed products don't look as amazing as the day you took them home, I'll replace them with no charge to you.

And a sneaky bonus question

Do you have payment plans?

Please!! My payment plans are better than Afterpay.

You can spread payments out over 3, 6 or even 12 months. The payment plans are totally flexible, so we just work together to work out terms that suit you and your pay cycle!


The Ranger Family - Portrait Session at Launceston’s City Park


The Barnett Family - Lifestyle Newborn Family Portraits at Home in Launceston, Tasmania