Arnold - Over the Rainbow Dog Session at Hollybank

Oooofff this one is a tough one to write, it’s been sitting in my drafts folder since our shoot back in April and is particularly close to my heart.

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Kate and Shane have been long time clients of mine, they were one of the first handful of couples that I photographed when I was first starting out who weren’t friends or family (It’s funny that since that time they definitely have become friends!) The first time I photographed them it was just them and Arnold, and I was so amazed, I had never come across a more photogenic dog! He sat and looked at the camera, practically smiling at me and almost seemed annoyed when I tried to take some photos of Kate and Shane without him.

Since then I’ve photographed Kate, Shane and Arnold many times, and they even added an extra member to their tribe with James in mid 2020.

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So when Kate told me that Arnold had been diagnosed with cancer and didn’t have long left to live I was devastated.

As past clients I don’t charge a session fee, but for families about to loose a member (furry or not) I’m always happy to waive the session fee to make sure you have beautiful memories of your loved ones before they pass and Arnold was no exception.

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We headed out to Hollybank, the photography session was all about Arnold, with more treats than I’m sure he knew what to do with! Kate knew that she wanted a vertical image of the 4 of them together for a specific spot in their lounge room, which is why I shot the majority of their family photos in portrait orientation.

Arnold passed away on the 13th August and will be forever loved and missed by so many

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Launceston Family Photoshoot Locations - Hollybank Forest Reserve


How to convince your Significant Other to have professional family photos taken