How to convince your Significant Other to have professional family photos taken

Oh my lord, the number of people who say to me "I've always wanted family portraits taken, but I can't convince my significant other to get on board" is WAYYYY to many!

SO lemme help you out with my negotiation ninja tactics.

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Sit down and actually explain to your partner WHY you want this. You guys are partners after all and your thoughts, feelings, wants and needshould be important to your other half.

Chances are they just don't understand. I bet its always YOU behind the camera, and there's ten billion photos of your partner with the kids being super cute, but not so many of you with the kids, because your partner just doesn't think to pull out the camera like you do.
I bet your SO hasn't thought about when the last time you were ALL in a photo together, you know... like the family you are.

Explain to them that it's important to you to have beautiful photographs of you with your babies (and partner for that matter) to hang on your walls or display in your home and show your children "Look at how loved you are" and to document just how tiny they are because they're ALWAYS growing, and it's not that you forget, but you just don't notice the tiny day to day changes and before you know it they're teenagers with size 13 shoes!

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I would bet my lunch money that one of the objections you're up against is "But I hate having my photo taken, it's so awkward"

You've got a generation of mothers who dragged their children to shopping centre photo studios back in the 80's and 90's to blame for that. A rushed experience of being forced to sit still and hold a forced smile for 10 minutes while random strangers looked on... I can't blame folks for being traumatised from that!

This is where it's important to do your research. Find a photographer who's style you love.
Personally I can't stand the whole "sitting still and smiling at the camera" type posing, I would much rather capture your family interacting with each other and being silly and fun. I don't necessarily pose as I do prompt you to do things with your family that will result in a really natural fun photoshoot.

Nothing forced, nothing awkward, I pinky promise

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"It'll be expensive" I know that once you've convinced your partner that it's not going to be as painful as going to the dentist this will be the next objection.

And I won't sugar coat it. It can be expensive.

But it also doesn't have to be. I offer a range of different products at different price points to cater for every budget whether you want to spend $100 or $5000 I've got options for you. and even better, I've got super flexible payment plans which work in with YOUR budget (I think they're better than Afterpay)

But if you're facing the argument about whether the cost of family portraits is WORTH it?

What are you gonna grab when your house is on fire? I know that this analogy gets thrown around all the time, because it's true. Pretty much everything in your house is replaceable, insurable, backupable (is that even a word), but your family memories? Time? the self worth and value that having their pictures on the walls is going to give your children? that's something you can't get back. So while it may seem "too expensive" to begin with, I promise you, that if in 5 years I offered you your money back but you had to give my pictures back, there's no way in the world you'd take me up on the offer.

These pictures will be cherished, by you and your family and one day it will be all your children have of you, and they'll be able to show their children, and their children's children "that there... that's My Mum"

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Arnold - Over the Rainbow Dog Session at Hollybank


Henry & Louie - At Home Newborn Portrait Session