Posing Newborns? Yeah, Nah not for me!

My style of photography is really natural, and that goes for photographing newborns too. I don’t like this posed style of newborn photography that’s become popular in recent years, for me natural is where it’s at, I don’t want to wrap your baby into unnatural positions or put them in little baskets or props. What I want is to photograph your baby as they are. Perfect. I don’t care if baby is awake or asleep, I want them to be comfortable, snuggled up on your chest, in your arms or in their space. I don’t want to spend hours trying to move them into a certain pose or perfecting elaborate lighting setups and for this reason I like to photograph babies at home. All I need is a decent sized window with natural light, you and your babe.

Now I say that my sessions are natural and unposed, and in the traditional sense that’s true, but also, it’s hard to have a tickle fight with a newborn in the same way it is to have it with a 5 year old, so newborn sessions are definitely more posed than my normal family sessions, but you’ll be the one doing any posing or moving of baby, I don’t like to touch your baby during the session (But I’m always here for the snugs after the fact!) but honestly, my posing is generally just move the baby from this arm to the other! I don’t want to put your baby in unnatural positions, which normally require an amount of photoshop to make the finished image anyways! To me, that sounds stressful for both baby and parents (and me too!), My goal is for a calm natural environment and making sure baby is safe 100% of the time.

Babies are naturally photogenic, which means that your session doesn’t have to go on for HOURS, I normally allow 60-90 minutes for a newborn shoot, which is normally plenty of time to capture all the combinations of parents and siblings and a variety of images for you to choose from. It also allows for time for feeding, soothing, changing and anything else your bub might need, in saying that, there’s no time limit, so if your baby is particularly unsettled that’s okay! I wont leave until we’ve got the images I need!


The Taylor Family - Newborn Family Portraits in the Studio


Jenna, Nick, Zoe & Lilly - Newborn Portrait Session at Home