The Vocke Family - Family Portraits at Waverley Lake

I was really excited to photography Ebony, Jake, Vinnie and their dog Tank at Waverley Lake! It’s one of those places which has always been on my list of places I wanted to photograph at, but never really got around to it/always forget it exists so when Ebony suggested it as a spot for their family portraits I was all in!

Waverley Lake is Tank’s favourite place which was evident when he ran straight into the water as soon as we got out of the car! He was happy swimming around chasing the ducks while I photographed the human members of the family. I always like to photograph the furry members of the family during family portraits!

It was a really beautiful evening, and we made a lap around the lake before it got too cold and we headed back to the car!


5 Tips for a Successful Family Photography Experience


Mum Get in the Photo!