What if it’s raining?!?!?

Winter can be tough when trying to coordinate events like family portraits! Especially in Tassie!

First you have to contend with everyone’s schedules, which can be hard to do all year round, then you have the inevitable sicknesses that are running rampant this time of year, and then you have to pray to the weather gods that they’ll grace some sunshine on your day (or at least spare you from the rain!) so when booking portrait sessions during this time of year I’m always asked, “What do we do if it’s raining?”

There’s a couple of options for rain, we reschedule, we relocate or we embrace it! Depending on the location you’ve chosen and how heavy the rain is will ultimately help make the decision.


This often the obvious option. We pick another date! There’s never a rescheduling fee, and I always prioritize families who have had to reschedule their shoots within my schedule.


This will depend a little on your location, if we’re shooting at an indoor location, like your home, then it’s not even an issue! If we’re shooting somewhere outdoors that has shelter, like the city park, it also may not be an issue! Even places like Hollybank can provide shelter in the trees. If we’ve scheduled somewhere with absolutely no shelter, we can relocate to somewhere that will provide some, or to an indoor location.

Embrace it

If it’s not absolutely POURING with rain, why not grab the raincoats, gumboots and umbrellas and embrace the rain and muddy puddles? While this option isn’t for everyone, the results can be really fun and cute!


The Walters - Extended family Session at Heritage Forrest


The Gillman Family - Newborn Session at Home